DRC Current By Laws and Operating Rules

The produce world is constantly changing and to fulfil our mandate, DRC changes with it.  Many of you have been members since we opened our doors for membership in 1999.   Much has changed since those early days.

The most current By Laws and Operating Rules printed February 8, 2019 are found on the DRC website.   We urge you to review those regularly as the current By Laws and Operating Manual found on our website are the ones which govern your membership rights and obligations.

Your DRC membership is more than the contract, by laws, and operating rules in force when you first joined the DRC.   Changes are done with complete transparency, including proper notice, approval by the Board of Directors and by the membership.

Minor changes are discussed and when appropriate approved by the Board.   More significant potential changes are brought to your attention via a Notice of Motion in advance of the Annual Meeting of members and are voted on at the Annual Meeting.  The procedures for these changes are set forth in the Corporation’s By-Laws which are approved by Corporations Canada.

Some of these changes have been to modernize and clarify, such as the recent Dispute Resolution Rules. Some have been in response to regulation, such as the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act, which triggered for example changes to our former membership categories.   Others have been in response to member requests and consultations, such as the change to the definition of fresh fruits and vegetables in 2008.

Our monthly newsletter “Solutions” also highlights changes and potential impact of changes approved by the Board of Directors and the membership.

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