The Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s (CFIA) public consultation for the proposed Safe Food for Canadians Regulations changes closed April 21, 2017.

Canada Gazette is the official news outlet for the Government of Canada and publishes new statutes and regulations, proposed regulations and government notices. The Canada Gazette serves Canadians by providing access to laws and regulations; engaging citizens through the consultation process; and assisting the private sector in meeting legal requirements.

Canada Gazette Part I published the proposed Safe Food for Canadians Regulations changes. CHC, CanadaGap, CPMA, RCC and DRC worked together to provide industry comments on the proposed changes. The public was also provided the opportunity to share comments on the draft regulatory changes that were posted. The public participation comment period closed on April 21st, 2017. CFIA hosted in-person and web-based information sessions across the country to provide an overview on background information and key facts about the proposed regulations; a review of what the regulations would mean to consumers, food importers, and businesses that prepare food for export or trade across provinces; question and answers sessions; and finally, instructions on how to participate during the consultation period.

Now that the consultation period has closed, CFIA will review the comments provided by industry and the public. While timeframes will depend on the comments received and their impact on the proposed regulations, final publication is expected in Canada Gazette Part II sometime in the first half of 2018. Once published in Canada Gazette Part II, the proposed regulations then become law. “We are looking forward seeing one set of rules for all and being able to launch an education campaign explaining the differences between the current CFIA Licensing and Arbitration Regulations and the new requirement for DRC membership in the newly proposed regulations.” said Fred Webber.

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